Plan for adult services
Ages 15-17
- Start planning for your transition into adult health and social services. It is important be prepared and plan ahead.
For you parents and caregivers
- As parents and caregivers of people with developmental disabilities age, your planning needs to change. Some issues that become more important as parents age include financial security and social supports for their loved one after parents/supporters pass away, as well as housing needs.
Suggested Resources
- You can start the application for Developmental Services Ontario at the age of 16 to see if you are eligible for services. This will help you to avoid delaying services when you turn 18. (Add) Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) has a webpage to help you understand “How to Access Services” through the DSO.
- Passport Program Funding is an Ontario Government program that provides funding to adults with a developmental disability. Passport provides funding for services and supports in your community. Please see the Passport Program Quick Fact Sheet for tips on Passport Program Funding
- ConnectABILITY has a webpage with resources for transition planning into adult services. There is also a series of workshops to prepare for “life after school“.
- The Partners for Planning website includes information on Person Directed Planning. Person Directed Planning is an inclusive process to help you in defining and creating a better future.
- The Plan Institute has created a Future Planning Tool that focuses on planning for financial security, building a personal network, housing choices and supported decision-making.
Resources for parents and caregivers
- Partners for Planning includes a webpage that provides information on the Henson Trust.
- Community Living Ontario PooranLaw Professional Corporation have created an Estate Planning Guide that contains advice from legal, tax and accounting professionals who specialize in supporting people who have a disability and their loved ones.
Ages 18-21
- Start planning for your transition into adult health and social services. It is important be prepared and plan ahead.
For your parents and caregivers
- As you grow older, the planning needs for you and your child change. Some issues that become more important include financial security, housing security and social supports for your loved one after you are no longer able to support their needs.
Suggested Resources
- Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) helps adults with developmental disabilities connect with services and supports in their community.
- The DSO has information on transition planning from youth to adult services.
- ConnectABILITY has a webpage with resources for transition planning into adult services. There is also a series of workshops to prepare for “life after school” .
- The Plan Institute has created a Future Planning Tool that focuses on planning for financial security, building a personal network, housing choices and supported decision-making.
For parents and caregivers
- Partners for Planning includes a webpage that provides information on the Henson Trust.
- Community Living Ontario and PooranLaw Professional Corporation have created an Estate Planning Guide that contains advice from legal, tax and accounting professionals who specialize in supporting people who have a disability and their loved ones.